Book Trailers® for K-12

“Creating a community of avid readers, one video at a time©

A Product of the Educational/Instructional Technology Programs at
Florida Gulf Coast University and University of Central Florida

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How do you select books to read? Do you review the book cover? Get recommendations from friends? Check popular book lists? Perhaps you watch the movie and then decide to read the book. Digital BookTalk® combines the best of these options with brief videos which act much like popular movie trailers. In a video of about 2-3 minutes long, Digital BookTalk® introduces a book’s basic story line with student actors or vivid photographs and narration. Similar to a movie trailer, these Book Trailers® highlight key scenes and provide enough information to help a reader make an informed book selection.

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To date, 171 Book Trailers® are available on this site, and since its inception the site has received nearly one million visits. In addition, Digital BookTalk® has attracted more than 4,000 worldwide subscribers, including students, teachers, media specialists, and parents.

The Book Trailers® found on this site have been created by collection of individuals and companies dedicated to literacy: COS Productions, selected K-12 and college students, Book Trailers for Readers , Epic Reads, and emergent readers who are part of the Elise Leonard Series.


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New Lesson Plans!

Once you log in and become a registered ‘booktalker’ you will have complete access to all our UB the Director Lessons and Activities. So far, we have categorized them to contextualize the trailers for math & science and social studies. We also have lessons and readings on Digital Narrative (i.e. storytelling), as well as on how to create your trailer. Registering is free and we promise never to use your email address except for keeping you in the loop about changes and additions to this.
Trailers In the Spotlight

Submitting Your Trailers

If you would like for us to consider posting a trailer that you have created, log in and then click the How to Submit Your Trailers page and tell us about your project. We will evaluate it and decide on its appropriateness. We are attempting to keep this site commercial free and remain pure to our intent not to let this become a marketing tool for publishers and authors, but rather a place where young readers can visit to learn how to begin visualizing what they read.

‘Book Trailer’ is a Registered Trademark of COS Productions, used with permission.
‘Digital Booktalk’ is a Registered Trademark of Learning Thru Fantasy, LLC. All Rights reserved